Workshop für Schulen: Komponistinnen in Luxemburg
Science is complicated? And the result is uninteresting anyway? Irrelevant for today? Quite the opposite! Let’s dispel these prejudices. The aim of the workshop is to introduce children and young people to the topic of music research using practical examples. They become researchers themselves, explore sources and go on a detective search for clues. The natural enthusiasm for puzzles serves as the motivation to get to know the biography and music of a Luxembourgish composer in a very special way.
In this way, the students discover a new professional field with which they usually have little contact in everyday life. The subjects of the workshop are the composers Lou Koster (1889–1973) and Tatsiana Zelianko (*1980). The workshop is offered as part of the performance of Lou Koster’s operetta “An der Schwemm”, which will be presented at the Festival de Wiltz.
Version « Contrebasse » : Secondaire 3ème, 2ème et 1ère
La recherche porte ici sur la compositrice Lou Koster et son opérette « An der Schwemm ».
Version « Piccolo » : Cycles 4.1 et 4.2
Des recherches sont menées ici sur la vie et la musique de la compositrice Tatsiania Zelianko.
Duration: 2 hours
Price: Free of charge
Language: In Luxembourgish, French or German
Location: In the classroom

© Archiv Lou Koster im CID | Fraen an Gender